Effective psoriasis treatment at home, recipes, methods


Psoriasis, a chronic disease has a course fluctuating. Treatment at home aims to relieve the symptoms of acute manifested by excessive acne on the skin, severe itching and worsening of the General state of health.

However, today, experts are trying to develop an effective scheme therapy, and as a means to forget the problem does not exist, the maximum you can achieve a remission prolonged but not a complete cure.

How to treat psoriasis at home

The therapy of psoriasis at home will give results only when an integrated approach is used. The use of traditional medicine, especially in advanced stages of scaly lichen, must be accompanied by the administration of drugs local and systemic action.

To receive the herbs, tinctures and the use of lotions and poultices should connect to the physiotherapy. In addition, the disease should follow the guidelines on the treatment of folk remedies:

• It is unacceptable to interrupt a course of treatment, no matter how long it was.
• All herbs should be collected within strict deadlines, which must be properly stored and processed. Otherwise, the treatment does not give absolutely no results.
• The problem must influence not only from outside, from the skin, but from the inside to strengthen the body as a whole. This approach can be observed not only in the folk medicine, but also in official. Consequently, in combination with the skin treatment should be folk remedies for internal use. They are designed to stabilize the internal organs, improve the immune system and cleanse the body.
• Effects on the body of any external factors that can trigger the development of psoriasis, should be avoided, or at least reduce to a minimum.

Fitopreparaty sold in pharmacies, and most of them are already processed and contain only the specific components. All medicines collected and prepared personally may include those properties that are absolutely necessary in the treatment of psoriasis.

Also, it is not recommended to independently choose a treatment, as it can lead to negative consequences. For example, even the most harmless form of celandine, and ingestion can cause poisoning of the body, irregular heartbeat, and seizures.

Is it possible to cure psoriasis at home forever

The question of whether it is possible to get rid of psoriasis occurs virtually in all patients. The impartiality of panels on the body, covered with gray scales, constant discomfort very complicate the life of the patient. And despite the fact that all the symptoms appear mainly on the body, psoriasis is considered to be not kozhnym disease, and systemic.

Sure that the causes are still unknown. Some tend to think that dominant is a genetic factor, others argue that the problems that arise due to violations of the internal systems – in any case, the treatment only has to be complex. But even with well-selected therapy, to get rid of the acute manifestations of psoriasis will not work.

Under the influence of precipitating factors such as stress, bad habits, poor nutrition, systemic disease, the symptoms return again and again. And all the treatment, in this case, is to relieve the itching, burning sensation, skin clear, and also increase the time of remission.

The fastest way to treat psoriasis at home

In the first place, quickly get rid of the psoriasis, you have to eliminate all predisposing factors. The patient needs to get rid of bad habits, to assign correctly the mode of work and rest, adhere to a diet.


Folk medicine recommends to quickly get rid of the symptoms of scaly deprive, this kind of background:

• Lubrication of plaques ointment based on calendula;
• Make herbal teas with soothing herbs such as mint, lavender or chamomile.
• Take a bath with essential oils, and in the affected dermis to RUB essential oils of rose, chamomile, Jasmine.
• For a rapid exfoliation of the scales, RUB the plate lightly moistened cereals.
• On the inside of take a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil.

These tools are well established among patients, and it received a lot of positive reviews from doctors. But we do not expect that after a few methods of his condition improving a lot. Therapy there are always at least a month, and in severe forms of the disease can be increased up to three. In addition, these funds will not help themselves, they are only used in the complex of the therapy, and only to relieve the symptoms of acute.

Psoriasis treatment coal activated

The studies carried out about the nature of psoriasis, it has been proven that one of the reasons there may be for the exit of the body. Therefore, the activated carbon, which in its properties is absorbent, and antidotom, can significantly relieve the condition. Once in the stomach, which reacts with pathogens and toxins, absorbing them in itself.

Take activated charcoal for psoriasis should be aware that, in advance, consult a doctor. Generally, the following types of therapy:

• Course duration is 2-4 weeks. The dosage is calculated according to the formula: weight of the body divided by 10, which will be equal to the number of tablets of 250 mg per day. The medication should be taken three times a day in equal parts, drink lots of water.
• The type of radiation is 40 days, and the number of medications per day is calculated by the formula given below. In this case, tablets for single dose grinding to a powder and pour cold water taken before meals in a couple of hours.
• Duration of 30 days. A day of taking only 3 pills, one hour before meals.
• Course of 10 days, the break of 20 and another of 10 days – and, therefore, four times, for a total of 40 days. The amount of medication per day is calculated from one pill to 6 kg of weight. Received the dose is divided into three.

When the treatment with activated charcoal must follow a strict diet.

The soda treatment

Soda for psoriasis can be used both for local treatment and internal. According to the doctors and the patients, the more effective are the following recipes:

• Hot baths should be taken every day for 14 days in the night. The bath volume of 30-40 liters, is diluted with 900 g. of soda.
• Treatment with a solution of soda, plates. In a glass of water dissolve 2 tsp of baking soda and the resulting solution three times a day RUB the affected areas.
• Compresses are made twice a day. For the preparation should be 2 tablespoons of baking soda (large) pour a small amount of water to form a mass, like a paste. The course of treatment is two weeks.
• Hot compress: to receive a 0.5 liters of hot water dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda. The solution was applied on a towel and applied to the sore spot.

How to treat psoriasis salt

Those patients who have long suffer from psoriasis have noted that after holidays on the beach, their symptoms recede noticeably. This is due to the effect of the sea salt in the body. Of course, all the inconvenience to visit the coastal resorts or sanatoriums difficult, but treated at home is very possible.

The most effective proved to baths with sea salt. If this is not available, you can use even the kitchen. For cooking you should pour a packet of salt in the bath with a comfort temperature of the water (not

too cold, but not hot). The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes.

After taking a salt bath should not vytirat'sya dry. Enough to have a bath and wet the skin gently with a towel soft. To consolidate the effect over the plate with a moisturizing cream or ointment.

Treatment, using celandine

Celandine – the herb, the name speaks for itself, perfectly cleanses the body. Recipes from a variety of diseases, this plant was used since ancient times, in particular for the treatment of psoriasis.

To use the tool in several ways:

псориаз5• Herbal baths. The procedure will require the leaves of the plant, which pre-pour hot water and boil. The solution is infused for one hour, then poured into the prepared bath.
• For oral use infusion made from: celandine(2 tbsp), walnuts (1 tbsp), mint (1 tablespoon), BlackBerry leaves (2 tablespoons). The mixture resulting is poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist 1 hour. The course of treatment – 1 week, 2 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
• The juice of celandine for the reception inside – 100 ml. add a drop of fresh juice. Taken after food for 21 days. Every day the amount of juice is increased at a drop.
• For local use in the preparation of ointment with celandine (2 tea spoons), fat (100 g) and Flucinar ointment (15 grams). Components of the ointment are mixed and left for three days. Twice a day the product is applied on the sick parts. The course is of five days.
• Ointment with vaseline and celandine. The mixture resulting is rubbed into the skin once a day.


Herbal teas not only remove the symptoms of psoriasis, they cleanse the body and skin, improve the metabolism. Fitosyr e is used to clean the skin, in baths and for oral administration in combination with therapy systemic.

Fast and long lasting effect are the following recipes:

• Root sarsapelya (sarsaparilla, smilaks) in the amount of 20 grams of finely pulverized for 10 hours to pour a liter of water. After insisting a medium boil 20 minutes, filter and take inside while it is hot (part of the broth you can drink later, but in the same day). A course of three weeks.
• Black elderberry (2 tablespoons) pour 5 liters of water and insist during the day. The dose is half a glass three times a day.
• The branches of a rose, burned and the ashes resulting in equal amounts mixed with vaseline. Remedy RUB the affected area.
• If the psoriasis-affected nails, hands or feet to effectively use the bathroom at the base of calamus, succession, St. John's wort or nettle.
• Baskets of young sunflower crushed and full of dry white wine. The mixture insist in 2 days, then filtered and applied as a compression of the plate.
• Half a Cup twice a day is recommended to drink the infusion of hops, nettle, motherwort and licorice root (proportion 1:1:1:3). Large spoon collection is filled with 10 hours liter of boiling water. The course of treatment – up to a year to prolong remission.


In view that the Solarium has a beneficial effect on the body during the exacerbation of psoriasis, all the doctors are in agreement. There have been many studies that have shown that:

• When the type of psoriasis is "plaque" UV rays are very dry skin and promote a rapid healing of the ulcers.
• Procedures that allow you to "disguise" plaque psoriasis.
• In psoriasis, "Drop", especially in the winter, the body is lack of vitamin D3. And in this case, the Solarium is able to compensate for it.

To achieve a rapid effect, it is important the proper balance of ultraviolet rays. Beneficial for the plate exposed to the rays of the type A (300-400 nm in length) and the beams B (length 311 nm). First session – 5 minutes and slowly the time increases.

The diet

Diet for psoriasis is an integral component of the therapy. Its basic principles are:

• The food is taken often, but in small amounts.
• In the menu, it is unacceptable for the presence of citrus, chocolate and other vysokoalergennyh products.
• Do not use products that contain dyes, stabilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers and other additives.
• It is unacceptable to drink alcohol even in small quantities.
• Foods that are digested easily should be abandoned.
• Meat and dairy products may not be high in fats.

Internal treatment

As effective internal folk remedies proven to:

• Decoction of Bay leaf. 20 g raw pour 0.5 liters of water and boil on heat for 10 minutes. To make 100 ml after eating.
• Tomlenoe product based on the fat nutrii. For the firing of 200 gr. the fat is poured in a bottle of vodka, a liter of honey, 500 ml aloe juice. The mixture was placed in a clay pot and goes for 4 hours in the oven, pre-heated to 180 gr. Take 15 ml three times a day.
• An infusion of malt. In a liter of boiling water for 4 hours, brew 2 tablespoons of malt. Is taken 6 times a day for 100 ml.

Home how to cure psoriasis in head

In the fight against psoriasis in the head well help special shampoos sold in pharmacies:

• Means with sulfate, selenium and hloroksinom – contributed to the effective cleaning of the scalp in the early stages of the disease.
• Shampoo with ketokonazolom – neutralize the fungus, and eliminate itching and flaking.
• Pharmacy tools with tar coal shampoos that are rubbed on the skin for 2 hours and only after it was washed.
• Shampoos with zinc-piritionom – help only in the beginning and as a preventive measure.

To prepare truly effective tool in the home:

• Grass celandine, chereza, horsetail in the ratio of 2:4:mixed 1 and 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture was kept in a steam bath for 30 minutes, then filtered, and rubbed in swelling of the skin. The procedure is done twice a day.
• In equality of proportions of mixture of the nettle, hop cones, roots of calamus, celandine, flowers of calendula. Proportions: some of the leaves on two roots. The mixture is poured a liter of boiling water, and girls in a steam room. Infusion is used to wash three times a week.
• Good effect and massaging the scalp rosemary oil, almond, cypress, or peanuts. Applied at night, followed by the head portable head.